CollegeNET, Inc., a major provider of web-based on-demand technologies for higher education, ranked Brooklyn College no. 11 in the nation in its 10th annual Social Mobility Index (SMI). The SMI benchmarks four-year U.S. colleges and universities according to how they hold the line on tuition, enroll students from low-income backgrounds, graduate their students into good-paying jobs, and apply their promotional messaging toward solving the nation’s social mobility problem. The 2023 SMI includes 1,198 four-year institutions. According to CollegeNET, last year the SMI introduced a new metric called Ethos, which measured for the first time how schools’ messaging and communications teach faculty, students, and the public about their institutions’ attention (or indifference) to advancing social mobility. This year’s dramatic SMI moves by a handful of famous institutions now following the lead of social mobility bellwethers, including CUNY colleges, may help restore the public’s faith in higher education. The news comes right after Brooklyn College was ranked sixth in the nation by 24/7 Wall St. in its latest upward mobility report, ahead of Harvard, Stanford, Yale, and others. You can find more Brooklyn College accolades here.