Interim Brooklyn College Events Protocol

Effective August 28, 2024
To be reviewed at the first policy council meeting on September 11, 2024

I. Introduction

This Events Protocol is designed to ensure a welcoming, safe, and inclusive educational environment that supports academic and social activities at Brooklyn College. It protects individuals’ rights to express themselves and to be free from harassment and discrimination and preserves continuity of the College’s core operations and the importance of its vital mission.

II. Definition of Event

“Events” in this protocol refers to all types of public gatherings, lectures, educational activities, vigils, social occasions, demonstrations, tabling, concerts, rallies, public celebrations, ceremonies, dances, and other group gatherings. There are different kinds of events on campus:

  • Scheduled Events: Events planned two or more weeks in advance that have obtained approval through the Scheduled Events Process (below). Large events or events on the quad require five weeks of notice in the Scheduled Events Process.
  • Unscheduled and Spontaneous Events: Events that do not require approval through the Scheduled Events Process and events that arise without prior advanced planning.

III. General Provisions

  • Free Speech: Brooklyn College respects and protects the ability of individuals to exercise their right to free expression. Individuals may hand out leaflets on campus, for example, so long as they do not disrupt the educational environment. Consistent with the First Amendment, the College may impose reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on activities that occur on campus.
  • Campus Access
    • Entrance to campus is only authorized through staffed public gates.
    • The campus is open on weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. On weekends, it is open 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Outside of those hours, most campus gates are locked, and entry is restricted. Overnight events at the College are prohibited.
    • When the campus is open, it is accessible to those with a valid Brooklyn College ID or CUNY ID and their guests with a valid business or educational purpose on campus.
    • Guests must sign in at a gate and obtain a visitor’s pass.
  • On Campus Events: Approved events may be held on campus grounds or in classrooms, lecture halls, offices, outdoor breezeways, theaters, or designated gathering spaces. To ensure egress and to protect the educational environment and normal campus operations, hallways and corridors must remain clear and are therefore off-limits for events.
  • Off Campus Events: Events that occur on public property outside or adjacent to the campus are governed by local, state, and federal law. The New York City Police Department has jurisdiction over off campus events.
  • Noise: To protect the educational environment, the use of sound amplification devices is not permitted on campus unless a group obtains explicit permission through the Scheduled Events Process. Unscheduled and spontaneous events cannot use sound amplification devices.
  • Structures: Temporary, semi-permanent, or permanent structures-such as stages, booths, canopies, tents, bouncy houses or other party rentals, or any constructions-are prohibited unless an organization obtains explicit permission through the Scheduled Events Process.
  • Access: Persons may not block or interfere with halls, entrances, or the free flow of pedestrian, vehicular, bicycle, or other traffic.
  • Food and Beverages: The sale of food and beverages requires explicit permission through the Scheduled Event Process.
  • Safety: People attending events may not destroy, occupy, or damage College property, including but not limited to the use of graffiti, stickers, or any other forms of vandalism. Any unauthorized markings or attachments to College property are prohibited. As our Student Handbook indicates, guns, knives, sharp objects, batons, torches, and anything else that may be used as a weapon are prohibited on campus. Signs and posters must be made of cardboard, foam, or other flexible material.
  • Civil Rights: Free expression may not violate the civil rights of others. Persons may not harass, discriminate against, physically abuse, or menace any person or group of people.
  • Henderson Rules: Everyone must comply with applicable University policies and procedures, including the Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Public Order (“Henderson Rules”). Violation of these policies or rules is grounds for disciplinary action.

IV. Approval Process

  • Scheduled Events Process: Registered student groups seeking to host scheduled events must submit an Event Request Form in Bulldog Connection at least two weeks in advance (five weeks for large events or events on the quad) and obtain approval through the process outlined in the Student Club Handbook, which includes communication with the Office of Student Affairs (“Student Affairs”), coordination meetings, and safety reviews with the Office of Campus and Community Safety Services (“Public Safety”). The College may impose reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on scheduled events.
  • Unscheduled or Spontaneous Events: Groups seeking to host unscheduled or spontaneous events must immediately notify Student Affairs and Public Safety. Scheduled events take priority over unscheduled or spontaneous events, and the College may impose reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on unscheduled or spontaneous events, including moving them away from other events.

V. Event Authorization Criteria

Authorization for an event depends on an assessment of the following content-neutral and viewpoint-neutral criteria:

  • Time: Events must be held during hours that minimize disruption to classes and other normal campus operations.
  • Location: Events must be held in locations that minimize disruption to classes and other normal campus operations and adequate and appropriate space must be available.
  • Security: Adequate and appropriate security measures must be feasible based on the expected size and nature of the event.
  • Impact on College Operations: Events may not impede or disrupt regular College operations, undermine the educational environment, or compromise the safety and security of the College community.
  • Additional Factors: Factors such as procurement, availability of external vendors or speakers, and compliance with local, state, and federal regulations may also affect event approval. Delays in these processes may impact scheduling and resource availability.

Vi. Financial Responsibility

Event organizers are responsible for the costs incurred for events. Event organizers must work closely with Student Affairs during the planning phase and must ensure that their budgets cover these costs prior to approval. This financial responsibility extends to compliance with local, state, and federal regulations.

VII. Compliance and Enforcement

Failure to adhere to this protocol may result in the prohibition or immediate cessation of an event, disciplinary action against its organizers or participants, as appropriate, and restrictions on the group’s future activities on campus.

Brooklyn. All in.