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Info For
It is a long-standing policy of the City University of New York that persons appointed to full-time faculty positions at any campus must consider that appointment, and its attendant responsibilities to teaching, service, and scholarship and research, their primary professional commitment. For this reason, no other employment is permitted unless it relates to the professional interests, strengthens the professional competence, or enriches the professional performance and does not interfere with the professional standing of a faculty member.
The CUNY Multiple Position Policy limits the additional activities, both within and outside the university.
An electronic Multiple Position Report must be submitted each fall and spring semester by all full-time faculty (including substitutes), regardless of additional activities. These reports are reviewed by the department Appointments Committee and the Office of the Associate Provost for Faculty and Administration (as the president’s designee). All necessary approvals must be secured before the faculty member assumes a multiple position assignment. A report must be submitted during the summer only by faculty with CUNY appointments or CUNY-related activities (e.g., grant-funded summer salaries).
Members of TIAA-CREF must fill out the TIAA-CREF Multiple Positions Form (PDF) in order to receive pension credit for their adjunct/hourly work within CUNY. This form needs to be submitted to the Office of Human Resource Services for each appointment (i.e., every semester/term).
Contact the Office of Human Resource Services for updated information or call 718.951.5161.