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Established in 2016 at Brooklyn College, the Haitian Studies Institute is the youngest such ethnic entity inside CUNY, with the main mission of supporting studies on Haitians, Haiti, and its diaspora. Located less than a mile from the newly renamed Little Haiti subway stop, it is a vital center for studying, celebrating, and strengthening one of our borough’s most vibrant communities.
Your generous donations make our work on behalf of students and the Haitian community possible. Support us with a gift today. Indicate in the comments that your donation is for the Haitian Studies Institute.
Community Members
Youth in Ayiti in the City
Youth in Next Gen/Civics
NYC School Visits
For more than 50 years, Brooklyn has been the epicenter of Haitian culture in New York. The Haitian Studies Institute is an indispensable participant in the life of this community. Learn more in our annual report.
Our summer program offers historical lectures, cultural workshops, culinary explorations of Haitian cuisine, film screenings, and local excursions. It provides students with a vivid and holistic insight into Haitian history, culture, language, and customs. The experience also includes a paid professional-development component, in which students work directly with and for Haitian-owned or operated businesses and organizations. Applications for summer 2024 are now closed.
The Haitian Studies Institute is founded on a mandate to contribute to the corpus of knowledge about Haiti and Haitians, to advance the intellectual field of Haitian studies in various disciplines. We seek to design resources, tools, and informational infrastructures to make this effort possible. The growth of our nascent archive is one such example; the development of a series of bilingual Haitian Creole glossaries is another.
HSI Archives Bilingual English—Haitian Creole Glossary of Immigration Terms (PDF)
About HSI Event Videos
Past Events
International Mother Language Day Conference: Creole—Language of Resistance, Language of Development
HSI’s Executive Committee includes representatives from Brooklyn College and other CUNY colleges.
Marie Lily Cerat has the Haitian Studies Institute exactly where it needs to be.
Established in 2016, the HSI has served as a hub for research and community service, while amplifying the voices of Haitians locally and worldwide.
Obden Mondésir, the Haitian Studies Institute’s inaugural archivist, is designing a collection that honors the lives of revolutionaries and everyday citizens alike.
Brooklyn College 2900 Bedford Avenue 1108 Boylan Hall Brooklyn, NY 11210 E: P: 718.951.5000 ext. 5187, 1413, or 1496
For archive-related inquiries, contact: Obden Mondésir, HSI Archivist P: 718.951.5000 ext. 2123 E:
Facebook: cunyhsi Twitter: @cunyhsi YouTube: CUNY HSI Instagram: @cuny_hsi
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